Electric Vehicle Management

Simplifying electric vehicle integration with smart, efficient, and secure solutions built into Nexgrid's advanced smart grid platform

Comprehensive EV Solutions

Nexgrid's smart grid system offers robust capabilities for electric vehicle management, focusing on safety, energy efficiency, and seamless integration to enhance utility operations and customer experience.

Level II Vehicle Chargers

A fast, reliable Level 2 charger with advanced smart grid integration for real-time monitoring, control, and efficient energy management

Transformer Overload Protection

Dynamically reduces EV charger load during peak transformer demand, ensuring safety and preventing overloads.

AI-Driven EV Management

Nexgrid AI optimizes EV charging with real-time load balancing, predictive analytics, and dynamic control to ensure grid stability and efficiency.

Third Party Charger Detection

Automatically identifies third-party EV charger installations through advanced usage pattern analysis.

Support for ALL Electric Vehicles

Nexgrid's ecoOne Utility Management Software offers seamless integration with APIs from all major car manufacturers. This enables customers to sync their vehicles with the smart grid, providing real-time information on pricing, automated off-peak charge control, and more. Electric utilities can easily monitor vehicle charging using the same system used to manage their smart grid.

Now Available!

Introducing Nexgrid Charge

The first smart grid system designed to protect transformers from overloading. Nexgrid Charge combines fast charging with smart grid integration, offering up to 50 amps of power and charging 9x faster than standard outlets. Its compact, sleek design supports remote monitoring through Nexgrid's ecoOne Utility Management Software, enabling load management and off-peak charging for cost efficiency and grid stability.

  • Advanced Load Management
  • Fast Level 2 Charging
  • Seamless Smart Grid Integration

Electric Vehicle Charger Status
ecoOne Utility Management Software
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EV Charger Control and Monitoring

Nexgrid’s smart grid solution provides a unified software portal for managing the entire smart grid, including powerful EV charger management features. This platform enables real-time EV charger monitoring and control, historical reporting, and comprehensive insights to optimize charging efficiency and grid performance.

  • Real-Time Monitoring and Control
  • Historical Usage and Performance Reporting
  • EV Load Balancing and Demand Response Integration

Automated Transformer Protection with AI

Nexgrid's advanced transformer protection combines real-time transformer demand monitoring with AI-driven load forecasting. This intelligent system signals Nexgrid EV chargers to reduce their maximum charging current during periods of potential transformer overload. By integrating Nexgrid’s EV chargers and smart grid platform, transformer overloading is effectively prevented.

Energy Efficiency

Maintains transformers at their most efficient operating levels, saving energy and extending their lifespan.


Prevents dangerous transformer overloads that can lead to outages and costly equipment failures.

Tesla Super Charging Station
ecoOne Utility Management Software
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What Nexgrid Customers are Saying

For over 16 years, Nexgrid has been delivering advanced metering and smart grid products. We highly value our customers' feedback as it enables us to continually enhance our products and provide superior services.

"Nexgrid''s mobile app streamlined our meter replacement process, making it quick and efficient. It removed the need for cumbersome paperwork and seamlessly updated the system in real-time from the field with every meter replacement."

Travis Browder
Electric Director Scotland Neck

"The Nexgrid system provides real-time alerts for our smart grid such as high temperature, voltage sags and swells, or transformer overloads. Additionally, it allows individual users to subscribe to notifications relevant to their needs."

Bob Petrozino
Superintendent St. Clair Borough Electric Light Dept

"Nexgrid is cutting edge, state of the art program. Other companies were using ''old school'' technologies or were significantly more expensive. Nexgrid takes us to the next level"

Bob Jolly
General Manager Marblehead Light Department

"Nexgrid's innovative smart grid detected a high-temperature alert at a meter, allowing us to respond proactively and address the issue before it escalated into a more serious problem. This real-time monitoring and early detection capability demonstrate the system's effectiveness in enhancing safety and preventing potential outages for our customers."

Terry Hale
Energy Utilities Technician New River Light and Power

"With Nexgrid's real-time meter removal alerts, we were able to quickly identify meter tampering multiple times and in some cases, arrive on-site within minutes of the removal"

Ricky Alberson
Load Management Specialist Elizabeth City Public Utility

"Nexgrid's system was instrumental during Hurricane Helene, delivering real-time updates on the distribution network. This allowed us to quickly identify and prioritize outage areas, efficiently dispatch crews and remotely verify power restoration."

Matthew Makdad
General Manager New River Light and Power

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question that you don't see below? Send Us a Message and we will get back to you.

Nexgrid smart grid monitors transformer load and when the transfomer is reaching its rated capacity the system will dynamically adjust the charging limit on all ev chargers below that transformer.

Yes, charger commands are sent instanteoulsy and get a response within seconds. The Nexgrid Plexus smart grid is a broadband based system and designed for real-time communications.

Yes, utility customers can monitor and manage their own charger and also see the total energy cost of electric vehicle charging as the system is integrated with their meter and billing rate.

All electric vehicle manufactures are compatible with our system.

Yes, Nexgrid can detect the installation of an electric vehicle (EV) charger at a customer's home through advanced metering solutions. By monitoring energy consumption patterns and specific load data, Nexgrid’s system can identify the additional electrical demand caused by the charger’s presence. This allows for better grid management and optimization.

Nexgrid Account Login

The easiest way to manage and create orders is here. Exsisitng customers can login with their ecoOne user credientials
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